Undergraduate Teaching

Environmental Technology

6th semester, Mech. Eng., NTUA

Current environmental problems , causes and sources of pollution. Air pollution (emission limits and concentrations, law, effects on health, primary and secondary pollutants, meteorology, atmospheric dispersion). Indoor air quality (concentration levels, ventilation). Air pollution control equipment. Equipment and methods for measuring air pollutant concentrations.
The course involves optional coursework (35% weighted) using EPA's AERSCREEN software for pollutant dispersion evaluation or using a selection of mobile measuring instruments for indoor or outdoor air quality.

Fluid Mechanics I

4th semester, Mech. Eng. NTUA

Historical review, achievements – Physics and Chemistry of fluids – Continuum Mechanics – Kinematics – Basic laws in integral and differential form: balance of mass, moment, moment of momentum, energy (1st and 2nd law) – Constitutive relations – Newtonian and non- Newtonian fluids – Applications, simplifications: equations of Euler and Bernoulli – Equations of Navier-Stokes – Analytic solutions of Navier-Stokes equations (laminar flow in pipes) – Irrotational flow of incompressible fluids – Superposition of simple potential flow fields - Similarity laws – Flow stability – Turbulent flows – The concept of boundary layer – Laminar boundary layer of flat plate (theory of Blasius) – Turbulent flow in pipes – Forces on moving bodies – Moving frames of reference – Discontinuities – One dimensional isentropic flow of compressible fluid and Laval nozzle.

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

1st semester, Mech. Eng., NTUA

Educational background and the skills of an Engineer. Learning methods. Presentation of the program of studies and of the laboratories of the School. Typical examples of the activity of the laboratories. Basic Mechanical Engineering equipment and installations from ancient to modern times. The mechanical engineering approach to problem solving (analysis-synthesis with the use of principles of Physics- Mathematical and experimental simulation and principles of economy). Lessons from successful and failed engineering constructions. The innovative thinking and the innovator engineer. Principles of successful oral and written communication. Principles of professional conduct and code of ethics.

Experimental Fluid Mechanics

5th semester, Mech. Eng., NTUA

Basic characteristics of measuring instruments. Measurement errors. Signal digitization. Fourier analysis. Operation principles of various measuring techniques like Hot wire anemometry, Laser Doppler anemometry, Particle Image Velocimetry, Pitot and Pitot Static tubes, tubes of many holes, flow rate meters, viscometers, ultra sound, shear stress measurement, pressure measurement, flow visualization. In the context of this course, 6 exercises take place applying some of the above techniques.

Multiphase Flows

9th semester, Mech. Eng., NTUA

Introduction to multiphase flows: General description, categorisation and example applications; Dispersed phase: Properties, characterisation, coupling with carrier phase, statistics of dispersed phase distribution; Particles in carrier phase: dynamics, thermodynamics, interactions with fluid, particles and solid walls (erosion, deposition); Carrier phase : Equations, averaging methods; Numerical simulation: particle phase approaches (Lagrange – Euler), carrier phase equations and coupling; Dispersion mechanisms: molecular and turbulent diffusion, numerical simulation; Measurement methods.
The course includes two mandatory course exercises involving processing of measured atmospheric particle samples and numerical simulation of particle motion in simple fluid flow fields.